Mice and rats.
Most common types of mice.
Among the most common species of commensal rodents (those that share our table), which exist in Latin America and are the most important concern of our company, we have: the Domestic Mouse (Mus musculus), the Norwegian Rat (Ratus norvegicus) and the Roof Rat (Ratus ratus).
Black rat or rooftop.
The rooftop rat is smaller than the Norwegian rat and is the most common rodent in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world. Not only does it damage / destroy materials by gnawing them, it consumes and contaminates stored food, but it also has importance in public health since it is a vector or carrier of diseases.
Norwegian rat.
It is a species of myomorph rodent of the Muridae family, one of the best known and most common rats; It is linked to human activities and thanks to this it has colonized the whole world since its origins in China, being a plague in some areas.
Homemade mouse.
It is a species of myomorph rodent of the Muridae family, it is the most frequent mouse species. It is believed to be the second species of mammals with the highest number of individuals, after Homo sapiens. He always lives close to man, with whom he maintains a relationship of commensalism.
These attack our food in the fields, on the farms, in orchards and in the facilities of plants and food stores, transportation, while they are in our supermarkets, restaurants and homes. What rats and mice do not eat, waste it, contaminating it with their urine, feces or hair. The loss of food worldwide by rodents is impressive. Experts estimate that rats and mice destroy the food that each year could serve to feed approximately 200 million people.
In buildings, rodents damage doors, floors and walls as a result of their activity of seeking shelter, and gnawing. They also bite public service pipelines and electrical cables that result in explosions, indoor floods, fires, equipment malfunctions, and power shortages. In the production of today’s high technology, rodents are capable of causing production losses of millions of dollars due to computer system failures, at the time of gnawing, nesting or excreting within computers and other highly sensitive equipment.
rodents have been responsible for the dissemination of various diseases to people and pets. There are other conditions where rodents have been implicated. Lymphocytic choriomeningitis can be disseminated by the mouse, trichinosis caused by the trichina worm can be lodged and spread by rats through their feces in pigs’ food (people acquire this condition by eating pork poorly cooked, from contaminated pigs). It has also been shown that rats carry typhoid organisms, dysentery and other direct conditions.
Features and Treatment to control pest.
The treatment will use baits that act by ingestion, causing hemorrhages and consequently death, but without pain, similar to that caused by old age, does not cause alarm in rats, since, due to its effect delayed these do not associate the effect of the product with the reduction of the population. The products to be used, have the particularity that they are anticoagulants, that dry the rodent, thus avoiding bad odors and contamination when decomposing. In the specific case of your Company, we will periodically distribute rodenticide baits around the cellars and in the burrows during the contract period: this in order to eliminate the reproductive cycle. Baits will be placed in critical and strategic areas.
Diseases transmitted by mice.
- Plague.
- Tifo Murino.
- Rickettsial Eruption.
- Salmonellosis.
- Fever for rat bite.
- Weils disease (Leptospirosis).
- Lymphocytic choriomeningitis.
- Typhoid.
- Dysentery.