Life Cycle of Mosquitoes.
Mosquitoes go through four states during their biological cycle or life cycle: egg – larva – pupa – adult . The immature states (egg, larva and pupa) are aquatic, while adults are terrestrial.
- Eggs can be placed on the surface of the water (individually or in masses), attached to the aquatic vegetation, or placed individually in humid places, outside the liquid medium. Embryonic development varies according to the species and external factors such as temperature; In hot times, the incubation period, or embryo development, is short, usually 2 or 3 days.
- The larval period varies around 8 to 10 days when the environmental conditions are favorable, except in some where it can extend several months. During their development they pass through four larval stages, after which they reach approximately 0.5 to 1.5 cm, depending on the species.
- The changes that lead to adult formation occur in the pupa. The male pupa is smaller than that of the female. In general, the duration of the pupal state is about 2 days in favorable conditions.
- The complete egg to adult cycle, in optimal temperature and feeding conditions, occurs in approximately 10 days.
- In adults, females are longer than males. Generally, the life span of females is approximately 2 weeks to one month; In some cases, both in natural and laboratory conditions, survival can be several months. A female can lay between 100 and 300 eggs after ingesting blood, being able to make several intakes throughout her life and deposit an important amount of eggs accordingly.
Types of mosquitoes.
There are about 3,500 different species of mosquitoes worldwide. The good news is that only 200 have come to the world to feed on blood and, of these species, only four pose a real problem for humans.
Aedes albopictus.
It is characterized by its black coloration with white ornamentation on the thorax and abdomen, legs with black and white bands and a conspicuous central longitudinal white line on the thorax and head. .
Anopheles punctipennis.
The larvae of this species can be found in many types of natural and artificial bodies of water. Females feed on blood, including the blood of humans, and can bite during the day or night. They generally remain outdoors and are rarely found inside homes.
Culex pipiens.
Culex pipiens or common mosquito or trumpeter mosquito is a species of mosquito that feeds on blood, of the Culicidae family. It is the cause of many diseases, such as Japanese encephalitis, meningitis and urticaria. In the United States it is the cause of West Nile virus.
Aedes aegypti.
It is a mosquito that can carry dengue virus and yellow fever, as well as other diseases, such as chikungunya, Zika fever and Mayaro virus.
It can be recognized by its distinctive white markings, although their differences in appearance with respect to other mosquitoes may be slight. Originally from Africa and today found in tropical and subtropical regions throughout the world. .
Diseases that transmit.
In some cases, the bite of these insects can cause serious health problems. Therefore, it is best to be prevented. Here we tell you about seven diseases transmitted by mosquitoes.
It is a viral infection whose main symptom is fever. It also causes muscle and headaches, diarrhea and vomiting. Often, it can be confused with a simple flu. One of its most severe complications is hemorrhagic fever, which can be fatal. .
The symptoms are similar to those of dengue. The most serious risk of Zika is that it can be transmitted from a pregnant mother to the fetus, and cause congenital defects in the baby, details the site of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). .
It can be deadly. People who get it suffer from high fever, chills, tremor and flu-like symptoms. In general, malaria is transmitted in tropical and subtropical climates, according to the CDC.
Yellow fever.
It’s another tropical virus, found mostly in Africa and South America. The severity of the disease varies and can cause serious liver problems, with bleeding. It’s very rare in the US.
The most common symptoms are fever and joint pain. Outbreaks have occurred in countries in Africa, Asia and Europe. Like several of these diseases, the danger lies for those who travel to those regions.
Preventive measures.
The mosquito larva has to live in water for more than five days to complete the growth before becoming adult mosquitoes capable of transmitting disease. Frequently, the amount of mosquitoes in a certain area can be reduced by eliminating places where water is poza. Hundreds of mosquitoes can result from a simple old tire.
In this image we can see the most common water retention points in our homes.